
María Guadalupe Herrera contributions

Scientific contributions

Peer reviewed publications

    • Dong X, Ramon E, Herrera-Hernández MG, Garriga P. Phospholipidic bicelles improve the conformational stability of phodopsin mutants associated with retinitis pigmentosa, Biochemistry, 2015, 54(31), 4795-804
    • Cazares-Franco MC, Ramírez-Chimal C, Herrera-Hernández MG, Nuñez-Colín CA, Hernández-Martínez MA, Guzmán-Maldonado SH. (2014). Physicochemical, nutritional and health-related component characterization of the underutilized Mexican serviceberry fruit [Malacomeles denticulata (Kunth) G. N. Jones]. Fruits 69(1):47-60.
    • Herrera-Hernández MG, Mondragón-Jacobo C, Soria-Lara DM, Guzmán-Maldonado SH. (2013) Comparative study of physicochemical and functional characteristics in juices from new Mexican pomegranate cultivars (Punica granatum L.) and wonderful variety. Biochemistry and Biophysics 1(3), 35-42
    • Herrera-Hernández MG, Núñez-Colín CA, Guzmán-Maldonado SH, Hernández-Martínez MA. (2013) Contents of some antioxidant compounds at three stages of maturity of the Mexican serviceberry fruits (Malacomeles denticulate) in two localities. Revista Chapingo Serie Horticultura 19(4), 45-57.
    • Torres-García BE, Acosta-Gallegos JA, Herrera-Hernández MG, Guevara-Lara F, Guzmán-Maldonado SH (2012). Seedcase position in the plant and nutraceuticals compounds content in beans grain. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas. 3(7):1435-1440.
    • Almanza-Aguilera E, Figueroa-González JJ, Alvarado-Nava D, Herrera-Hernández MG,  Guzmán-Maldonado SH (2012). Physicochemical characterization of Malbeck red wines with different aging time. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas. 3(7):1347-1360.
    • Herrera-Hernández MG, Guevara-Lara F, Reynoso-Camacho R, Guzmán-Maldonado SH. (2011). Effects of maturity stage and storage on cactus berry (Myrtillocactus geometrizans) phenolics, vitamin C, betalains and their antioxidant properties. Food Chemistry. 129:1744-1750.

    Communications to meetings

    • Herrera-Hernandez MG, Guzmán-Maldonado SH, Nuñez-Colín CA, Hernandez-Martinez MA, Cazares-Franco MC, Ramirz-Chimal C. “Nutritional and health related components of the underutilized Mexican serviceberry fruit (Malacomeles denticulata (Kunth)  Jones)” (poster), IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo, July 13-16, 2013, Chicago IL. USA.
    • Guzmán-Maldonado SH, Herrera-Hernández MG. Acosta-Gallegos JA, Orozco-Castillo A. “Nutritional and functional characteristics of a high-protein concentrate produced from Pinto Saltillo common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)” (poster), IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo, July 13-16, 2013, Chicago IL. USA.
    • Herrara-Hernández MG, Patiño S, Guzmán-Maldonado SH, Núñez-Colín CA, Hernández-Martinez MA, “Chemical composition of Mexican serviceberry (Amelanchier denticulata)  seed cultivated and wild” (poster), VII Reunión Nacional de Innovación Agrícola, September 10-13, 2012, Santiago de Querétaro México.
    • Ortiz-Calderón A,   Quezada-Tristán T, Zamarripa-Colmenero A, Herrera-Hernández MG, Guzmán-Maldonado SH. “Chemical composition of Non-Toxic Jatropha (Jatropha curcas) and effect of intake on nutritional parameter and toxic residual in broilers”  poster), 5ht International Congress of Food Science and Food Biotechnology in Developing Countries, October 24-26, 2012, Nuevo Vallarta Nayarit, Mexico.
    • Ramirez-Chimal C, Herrera-Hernández MG, Guzmán-Maldonado SH, Núñez-Colín CA, Hernández-Martinez MA, “Influence of Maturity-Stage on Phytochemical contents and antioxidant capacity of wild Mexican serviceberry (Amelanchier denticulate (Kunth) Jones)” (poster), 5ht International Congress of Food Science and Food Biotechnology in Developing Countries, October 24-26, 2012, Nuevo Vallarta Nayarit, Mexico.
    • Espinoza-Rubio I, Márquez-Rojas G, Medina-Torres MG, Herrera-Hernández MG, Hernández-López D. “ Effect of cultivation of black Bean genotype in irrigation and under wáter deficit conditions on the quality of grain and nutraceuticals” (poster), 5ht International Congress of Food Science and Food Biotechnology in Developing Countries, October 24-26, 2012, Nuevo Vallarta Nayarit, Mexico.