Silvia Pérez contributions
Scientific contributions
Peer reviewed publications
- Pérez-Rafael S, Ferreres G, Kessler W R, Kessler W, Blair J, Rathee G, Morena A G, Tzanov T. Continuous sonochemical nanotransformation of lignin - Process design and control. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2023.
- Morena A G, Pérez-Rafael S, Tzanov T. Lignin-Based Nanoparticles as Both Structural and Active Elements in Self-Assembling and Self-Healing Multifunctional Hydrogels for Chronic Wound Management. Pharmaceutics 2022,
Bermeo L, Ivanova K, Pérez, L M, Forés E, Pérez-Rafael S, Casas-Zapata J C C, Morató J, Tzanov T. Sono-Enzymatically Embedded Antibacterial Silver-Lignin Nanoparticles on Cork Filter Material for Water Disinfection. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022, 23, 11679.
Ivanova K, Ivanova A, Hoyo J, Pérez-Rafael S, Tzanov T. Nano-Formulation Endows Quorum Quenching Enzyme-Antibiotic Hybrids with Improved Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Activities against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022,
Ferreres G, Pérez-Rafael S, Torrent-Burgués J, and Tzanov T. Hyaluronic Acid Derivative Molecular Weight-Dependent Synthesis and Antimicrobial Effect of Hybrid Silver Nanoparticles. InternationalJournal of Molecular Sciences, 2021,
Pérez-Rafael S, Ivanova K, Stefanov I, Puiggalí J, del Valle L J, Todorova K, Dimitrov P, Hinojosa-Caballero D, Tzanov, T. Nanoparticle-driven self-assembling injectable hydrogels provide a multi-factorial approach for chronic wound treatment. Acta Biomaterialia 2021,
Morena A G, Stefanov I, Ivanova K, Pérez-Rafael S, Sánchez-Soto M, Tzanov T. Antibacterial Polyurethane Foams with Incorporated Lignin-Capped Silver Nanoparticles for Chronic Wound Treatment. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 2020, doi:
Bassegoda A, Ferreres G, Pérez-Rafael S, Hinojosa-Caballero D, Torrent-Burgués J, Tzanov T. New myeloperoxidase detection system based on enzyme-catalysed oxidative synthesis of a dye for paper-based diagnostic devices, Talanta 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2018.10.065.
Francesko A, Ivanova K, Hoyo J, Pérez-Rafael S, Petkova P, Fernandes M M, Heinze T, Mendoza E, Tzanov T. Bottom-up layer-by-layer assembling of antibacterial freestanding nanobiocomposite films, Biomacromolecules 2018, doi: 10.1021/acs.biomac.8b00626.
Stefanov I, Pérez-Rafael S, Hoyo J, Cailloux J, Santana Pérez O O, Hinojosa-Caballero D, Tzanov T. Multifunctional enzymatically-generated hydrogels for chronic wound application. Biomacromolecules 2017, doi: 10.1021/acs.biomac.7b00111.
Fernandes M M, Ivanova K, Hoyo J, Pérez-Rafael S, Francesko A, Tzanov T. Nanotransformation of vancomycin overcomes the intrinsic resistance of Gram-negative bacteria. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, doi: 10.1021/acsami.7b00217.
Pérez-Rafael S, Monteiro F, Dallinger R, Atrian S, Palacios Ò, Capdevila M, "Cantareus aspersus metallothionein metal binding abilities: the unspecific CaCd/CuMT isoform provides hints about the metal preference determinants in metallothioneins", BBA Protein and Proteomics, 2014, 1844 (9), 1694–1707, doi: 10.1016/j.bbapap.2014.06.018.
Palacios Ò, Pérez-Rafael S, Pagani A, Dallinger R, Atrian S, Capdevila M, "Cognate and noncognate metal ion coordination in metal-specific metallothioneins: the Helix pomatia system as a model", Journal of biological inorganic chemistry, 2014, 19(6), 923-935, doi: 10.1007/s00775-014-1127-4.
Pérez-Rafael S, Pagani A, Palacios O, Dallinger R, Capdevila M, Atrian S, "The role of histidine in a copper-specific metallothionein", ZAAC Journal of Inorganic and General Chemistry, 2013, 639 (8-9), 1356-1360.
Guirola M (*), Pérez-Rafael S (*), Capdevila M, Palacios O, Atrian S, "Metal Dealing at the Origin of the Chordata Phylum: The Metallothionein System and Metal Overload Response in Amphioxus"', PLoS One, 2012, 7(8), e43299, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0043299. (*both authors contributed equally).
Pérez-Rafael S, Kurz A, Guirola M, Capdevila M, Palacios Ò, Atrian S, "Is MtnE, the fifth Drosophila metallothionein, functionally distinct from the other members of this polymorphic protein family?", Metallomics, 2012, 4(4), 342-349, doi: 10.1039/c2mt00182a.
Pérez-Rafael S, Mezger A, Lieb B, Dallinger R, Capdevila M, Palacios Ò, Atrian S, "The metal binding abilities of Megathura crenulata metallothionein (McMT) in the frame of Gastropoda MTs", Journal of inorganic biochemistry, 2012, 108(1), 84-90, doi: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2011.11.025.
Höckner M, Stefanon K, deVaufleury A, Monteiro F, Pérez-Rafael S, Palacios Ò, Capdevila M, Atrian S, Dallinger R, "Physiological relevance and contribution to metal balance of specific and nonspecific metallothionein isoforms in the garden snail, Cantareus aspersus", BioMetals, 2011, 24(6), 1079-1092, doi: 10.1007/s10534-011-9466-x.
Palacios O, Pagani A, Pérez-Rafael S, Egg M, Höckner M, Brandstätter A, Capdevila M, Atrian S, Dallinger R, "Shaping mechanisms of metal specificity in a family of metazoan metallothioneins: evolutionary differentiation of mollusc metallothioneins", BMC Biology, 2011, 9:4,, doi: 10.1186/1741-7007-9-4.
Pérez-Rafael S, Atrian S, Capdevila M, Palacios O, "Differential ESI-MS behaviour of highly similar metallothioneins", Talanta, 2011, 83(3), 1057-1061, doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2010.10.060.
Book chapters
Morena A G, Ferreres G, Ivanova K, Pérez-Rafael S, Tzanov T, Antimicrobial Lightweight Materials and Components, in “Advanced Lightweight Multifunctional Materials” edited by Costa P, Costa C, and Lanceros-Mendez S, ISBN: 978-0-12-818501-8, Elsevier, 2020, 469-502.
Pérez Rafael S., Ivanova K., Ferreres Cabanes G., Morena A G., Tzanov T. EP20383150.8 (2020), Method to produce in situ self-assembled multifunctional nanocomposite hydrogel and its uses thereof.