Ester Guaus Contributions

Scientific contributions

Peer reviewed publications
  • J. Hoyo, E. Guaus, G. Oncins, J. Torrent, F. Sanz. Incorporation of ubiquinone in supported lipid bilayers on ITO. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2013) 117 (25), 7498-7506
  • J. Hoyo, J. Torrent-Burgués, E. Guaus. Biomimetic monolayer films of monogalactosyldiacylglycerol incorporating ubiquinone. J. Colloid Interf. Sci. (2012) 384(1), 189-197, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2012.06.066
  • J. Hoyo, J. Torrent-Burgués, E. Guaus, F. Sanz. J. Electrochemical behaviour of mixed LB films of Ubiquinone-DPPC. Electroanal. Chem. 669 (2012) 6-13, DOI: 10.1016/j.jelechem.2012.01.020
  • E. GuausJ. Torrent-Burgués, N. Zine, A. Errachid. Glassy Carbon electrode modified with a Langmuir-Blodgett film of a thiomacrocyclic ionophore for Cu(II) recognition. Sensor Letters 7(5) (2009) 1006-1011
  • E. Guaus, A. Errachid, J. Torrent-Burgués. Voltammetric response of a glassy carbon electrode modified by a Langmuir-Blodgett film of a thiomacrocyclic compound. J. Electroanal. Chem. 614 (2008) 73-82
  • J. Torrent, E. Guaus. Effect of tartaric acid in the electrodeposition of zinc. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry. (2007) 37 (5): 643 - 651
  • E. Guaus, J. Torrent. Voltammetric study of Sn(II) reduction on a vitreous carbon electrode from sulphate-tartrate baths. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. (2006) 42 (2): 141-146
  • E. Guaus, J. Torrent. Tin-zinc electrodeposition from sulphate-tartrate baths. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. (2005), 575 (2): 301-309
  • E. Guaus, J. Torrent. Tin-zinc electrodeposiition from sulphate-gluconate baths. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. (2003), 549: 25-36
Communications to meetings

Oral contributions
  • J. Hoyo, E. Guaus, J. Torrent, F. Sanz. “Electrochemical behaviour of ubiquinone in MGDG natural mimicking membranes” XXXIV Reunión Grupo de Electroquímica de la RSEQ, Valencia (Spain) 2013
  • J. Torrent, E. Guaus, J. Hoyo,  “Organized molecular thin films for technological and biomimetic applications". I Jornada de la Recerca i la Innovació Tecnològica al Campus de la UPC aTerrassa. Terrassa (Spain), 13 June 2013
  • J. Hoyo, E. Guaus, J. Torrent. "UQ Behaviour in mixed films of DPPC:UQ and MGDG:UQ". Global Questions on Advanced Biology. Institut d'Estudis Catalans (IEC). Barcelona (Spain), 2012
  • E. Guaus, J. Hoyo, J. Torrent. “Electrochemical behaviour of UQ-10 in DPPC monolayers on ITO”. Reunión de Electroquímica de la Real Sociedad Española de Química- XIII Encontro Ibérico de Electroquímica, Murcia (Spain), 2011
  • J. Torrent, E. Guaus, J. Hoyo. “Electrochemical behavior of UQ-10 in DPPC monolayers on ITO”. XXXII Reunión Grupo de Electroquímica de la RSEQ,  Murcia (Spain), 7-9 September 2011
  • N. Zine, E. Guaus, J. Torrent-Burgués, A. Errachid “Development of novel GCE electrodes coated with ultrathin Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) membranes for copper detection in liquids”, MADICA 2008, Rabat (Morocco) 30 October-1 November 2008
  • E. Guaus, A. Errachid, J. Torrent. “Thiolation effect on the antibacterial activity of a low molecular weight chitosan: interactions with a bacterial membrane model”. XXIX Reunión del Grupo de Electroquímica, Lleida (Spain), 2007
  • E. Guaus, J. Torrent. "Electrochemical Response of a Vitreous Carbon Electrode Modified by a Thiomacrocyclic Compound film", XXVIII Reunión del Grupo Especializado de Electroquímica de la Real Sociedad Española de Química, and IX Iberic Meeting on Electrochemistry, A Coruña (Spain), 2006
Poster contributions
  • J. Hoyo, J. Torrent, E. Guaus. "Organization and redox behaviour of ubiquinone in DPPC films", I Jornada de la Recerca i la Innovació Tecnològica al Campus de la UPC aTerrassa, Terrassa (Spain), 13 June 2013
  • J. Hoyo, J. Torrent-Burgués. E. Guaus. “Organization and REDOX behaviour of UQ in DPPC films”. ECIS 11, 25th ECIS meeting, Berlin (Germany) 4-9 September 2011
  • J. Hoyo, E. Guaus, J. Torrent-Burgués.“ Biomimetic films of MGDG incorporating ubiquinone”. ECOF 12, 12th European Conference on Organized Films, Sheffield (U.K.), 17-20 July 2011
  • J. Torrent-Burgués, J. Hoyo, E. Guaus, G. Oncins, F. Sanz. “Characterization and behavior of supported lipid films with natural quinones”. 24th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society, ECIS 2010, Prague (Czech Republic) 5-10 September 2010
  • J. Torrent-Burgués, P. Cea, I. Giner, E. Guaus. “Characterization of Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett films of an octasubstituted zinc phthalocyanine” 13th International Conference on Organized Molecular Films, LB13, Quebec (Canada) 18-21 July 2010
  • J. Torrent-Burgués, J. Hoyo, E. Guaus, F. Sanz. “Biomimetic films of DPPC with biological quinones”.International Soft Matter Conference 2010, Granada (Spain) 5-8 July 2010
  • J. Torrent-Burgués, P. Cea, I. Giner, E. Guaus. “Fabrication and characterization of well-ordered mono and multilayer Langmuir-Blodgett films incorporating zinc phthalocyanines”. Trends in Nanotechnology TNT09, Barcelona (Spain) 7-11 September 2009
  • N. Zine, E. Guaus, J. Torrent-Burgués, A. Errachid “Development of novel GCE electrodes coated with ultrathin Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) membranes for copper detection in liquids”, MADICA 2008, Rabat (Morocco) 30 October-1 November 2008
  • E. Guaus, N. Zine, A. Errachid, J. Torrent. "Glassy Carbon electrode modified with a Ionophore Langmuir-Blodgett film for Cu(II) recognition", 59th Annual Meeting of the ISE, Sevilla (Spain), 7-12 September 2008
  • E. Guaus, J. Torrent-Burgués, “Surface Electrochemistry of substituted Zn(II) Phthalocyanines on solid electrodes”. 59th Annual Meeting of the ISE, Sevilla (Spain) 7-12 September 2008
  • E. Guaus, J.Torrent. “Characterization of modified solid electrodes with organized thin films of a zinc phthalocyanine”. Trends in Nanotechnology 2007, San Sebastián (Spain), 2007