Margarita Morillo Contributions

Scientific contributions

Peer reviewed publications (selected)
  • M. D. Grau, E. Guaus, M. Martínez, A. Calvet, A. Farran, N. Salán, M. D. Alvarez, R. Gorchs, M. P. Almajano, M. Morillo, N. Garrido. The evolution of a teaching project of experimentation in chemistry. Procedia-Social and behavioral sciences. 4, pp. 858-862.01/09/2012.
  • Aguilà, M.; Toledo, D.; Morillo, M.; Domínguez, M.; Vaz, B.; Alvarez, R.; de Lera, A. R.; Garriga, P (2009) Structural coupling of 11-cis-7-methyl-retinal and amino acids at the ligand binding pockett of rhodopsin. Photochemistry and photobiology 85(2); 485- 493.
  • Bosch, l.; Cordomi, A.; Domínguez, M.; Toledo, D.; Morillo, M.; Pérez, J. J.; Alvarez, R.; de Lera, A. R.; Garriga, P. (2006) A methyl group at C7 of 11-cis-retinal allows chromophore formation but affects rhodopsin activation. Vision research 46( 27); 4472- 4481.
  • M. Morillo, A. Martinez de Ilarduya, A. Alla, S. Muñoz-Guerra (2003) Comblike alkyl esters of biosynthetic poly(γ-glutamic acid). 2. Supramolecular structure and thermal transitions Macromolecules 36, 7567-7576.
  • M. Morillo, A. Martínez de Ilarduya, S. Muñoz-Guerra (2003) Copoly(γ,DL-glutamate)s containing short and long linear alkyl side chains. Polymer 44; 7557-7564.
  • M. Morillo, A. Martínez de Ilarduya, S. Muñoz-Guerra (2002) Synthesis of poly(α-alkyl β,L-aspartate)s by transesterification Macromol. Rapid commun. 23; 849- 852.
  • V. Compañ, D. Zanuy, A. Andrio, M. Morillo, C. Alemán, S. Muñoz-Guerra (2002) Permeation properties of the stereoregular nylon-3 analog, poly(α-hexyl β,L-aspartate) Macromolecules 35; 4521- 4530.
  • S. Muñoz-Guerra , F. López-Carrasquero, C. Alemán, M. Morillo, V. Castelletto, I. Hamley (2002) Supramolecular layered structures of comblike poly(β-peptide)s showing thermochromic properties. Advanced materials 14; 203- 205.
  • M. Morillo, A. Martínez de Ilarduya, S. Muñoz-Guerra (2001) Comblike alkyl esters of biosynthetic poly(γ-glutamic acid). 1. Synthesis and characterization Macromolecules 34(22); 7868-7875.
  • J. Melis, M. Morillo, A. Martínez de Ilarduya, S. Muñoz-guerra (2001) Poly(α-alkyl γ-glutamate)s of microbial origin: I. Ester derivatization of poly(γ-glutamic acid) and thermal degradation Polymer 42; 9319- 9327.
  • R. Ramírez, M. Morillo, M.L. Arnal, F. Lopez-Carrasquero, A. Martínez de Ilarduya, S. Muñoz-Guerra (2000) Synthesis and structure of random and block copoly(β,L-aspartate)s containing short and long alkyl chains. Polymer 41(24); 8475-8486
Communications to meetings (selected)
  • M. Morillo, A. Mtz. de Ilarduya , M. García-Álvarez, G. Pérez Camero, J. Álvarez, S. Muñoz Guerra . “Polímeros peine derivados del ácido poli(γ-glutámico) de biosíntesis”. VIII reunión del GEP 2003 Tarragona (14-19 September.2003.
  • L. Bosch, M. Dominguez, D. Toledo, M. Morillo, R. Álvarez, A. De Lera, P. Garriga. “Effect of the chromophore C7-methyl substitution on rhodopsin regeneration”. Tenth Vision Research Conference. Rhodopsin. Advances and Perspectives . Published: Tenth Vision Research Conference. Rhodopsin. Advances and Perspectives. ARVO. 2006. pg.35-35. Fort Lauderdale USA
  • E. Ramon, D. Toledo, A. Reyes-Alcaraz, M. Morillo, P. Garriga “Efficient G-protein by fully-functional rhodopsin in the dark by the release of critical structural constraints” XXXIV congreso de la sociedad española de bioquímica y biologia molecular. Barcelona (Spain) /09-08/05/2011.
  • M. Morillo, D. Toledo, E. Ramon, P. Garriga “Influence of mercuric chloride on rhodopsin stability and function” International Congress of the Spanish Biophysical Society (SBE) Barcelona (Spain) 2012.