Guillem Ferreres Cabanes Contributions
Scientific contributions
Peer reviewed publications
- Ferreres G, Pérez-Rafael S, Palacios Ó, Todorova K, Hinojosa-Caballero D, Torrent-Burgués J and Tzanov T. Cobalt-phenolic nanoparticles-driven self-assembly of hyaluronic acid hydrogels providing a multifactorial approach for chronic wound management. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024.
- Pérez-Rafael S, Ferreres G, Kessler W R, Kessler W, Blair J, Rathee G, Morena A G, Tzanov T. Continuous sonochemical nanotransformation of lignin - Process design and control. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2023.
Ferreres G, Ivanova K, Torrent-Burgués J, Tzanov T. Multimodal silver-chitosan-acylase nanoparticles inhibit bacterial growth and biofilm formation by Gram-negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterium. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2023.
Ferreres G, Ivanova K, Ivanov I, Tzanov T. Nanomaterials and Coatings for Managing Antibiotic-Resistant Biofilms. Antibiotics 2023,
- Hoyo J, Bassegoda A, Ferrers G, Hinojosa D, Gutiérrez M, Baldi A, Fernández C, Tzanov T. Rapid Colorimetric Detection of Wound Infection with a Fluidic Paper Device. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022,
- Ferreres G, Pérez-Rafael S, Torrent-Burgués J, and Tzanov T. Hyaluronic Acid Derivative Molecular Weight-Dependent Synthesis and Antimicrobial Effect of Hybrid Silver Nanoparticles. InternationalJournal of Molecular Sciences, 2021,
- Ferreres G, Bassegoda A, Hoyo J, Torrent-Burgués J, Tzanov T. Metal-enzyme nanoaggregates eradicate both Gram positive and negative bacteria and their biofilms. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018, doi: 10.1021/acsami.8b14949.
- Bassegoda A, Ferreres G, Pérez-Rafael S, Hinojosa-Caballero D, Torrent-Burgués J, Tzanov T. New myeloperoxidase detection system based on enzyme-catalysed oxidative synthesis of a dye for paper-based diagnostic devices, Talanta 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2018.10.065.
Valenzuela, S V, Ferreres, G, Margalef, G, & Pastor, F J. Fast purification method of functional LPMOs from Streptomyces ambofaciens by affinity adsorption. Carbohydrate research 2017, 448, 205-211.
Pérez Rafael S., Ivanova K., Ferreres Cabanes G., Morena A G., Tzanov T. EP20383150.8 (2020), Method to produce in situ self-assembled multifunctional nanocomposite hydrogel and its uses thereof.
Book chapters
- Morena A G, Ferreres G, Ivanova K, Pérez-Rafael S, Tzanov T, Antimicrobial Lightweight Materials and Components, in “Advanced Lightweight Multifunctional Materials” edited by Costa P, Costa C, and Lanceros-Mendez S, ISBN: 978-0-12-818501-8, Elsevier, 2020, 469-502.
Communications to meetings
- Ferreres, G.; Ivanova, K.; Torrent-Burgués, J.; Tzanov, T (November, 2019). Metal-enzyme nano-composites with bactericidal and antibiofilm efficacies. Poster presented at NanoBio&Med International Conference, Barcelona, Espanya.
- Ferreres, G.; Ivanova, K.; Bassegoda, A.; Torrent-Burgués, J.; Tzanov, T. (March 2019). Metal-protein nanocomposites with bactericidal and antibiofilm efficacies. Oral presentation at the ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Orlando, USA.
- Ferreres, G.; Bassegoda, A.; Tzanov, T. (April, 2018). Hybrid metal-enzyme nanoparticles to fight the spread of antimicrobial resistance infection. Oral presentation at International Conference on Fibre and Polymer Biotechnology, Balneário Camboriú, Brazil.
- Ferreres, G.; Bassegoda, A.; Tzanov, T. (March, 2018). Hybrid nanoparticles as an alternative to conventional antibiotics. Oral presentation at ACS National Meeting & Exposition, New Orleans, USA.
- Bassegoda, A.; Ferreres, G.; Perez, S.; Tzanov, T. (March, 2018). New myeloperoxidase detection system based on enzyme- catalysed dye oxidative polymerization for paper-based diagnostic device. Oral presentation at ACS National Meeting & Exposition, New Orleans, USA.