Dr. Bastos-Arrieta is graduated in Chemistry (University of Costa Rica, 2008) and Master In Chemical Science and Technologies(Autonomous University of Barcelona, 2010). His PhD Chemistry (Autonomous University of Barcelona, 2014) was focused in the surface modification and characterization of polymeric matrices with metal nanoparticles He worked as Postdoc fellow in Spain at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC, 2015-2017); Assistant Professor (University of Barcelona, 2017) and Postdoc Reseearcher Technische Universität Dresden (Germany, 2017-2020). Currently he is back to UPC, specifically to the Molecular and Industrial Biotechnology Group; under the supervision of Dr. Tzanko Tzanov. His research expertise include: electron microscopy, material functionalization, (bio)micromotors, electrochemistry, nanomaterials synthesis and characterization. Presently, he is part of research projects dealing with the preparation of innovative bactericide coatings and materials.
Scientific contributions
Scopus ID: 54966710400
Orcid ID: 0000-0002-8939-6253
Tel.:+34 93 739 89 53
Fax.:+34 93 739 82 25
Scholar Google: http://scholar.google.es/citations?user=CR4w6pEAAAAJ&hl=es
ResearchGate: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Julio_Bastos-Arrieta